SACRAA has recently become involved as a stakeholder in the proposed experimental net fishery in Vanderkloof Dam, where both small- and largemouth yellowfish will be targeted. Having been alerted to this project at a fairly late stage, we have not been a part of the process from the start and were unaware of the public meeting that was held on 12 December last year. Nevertheless, we have requested the relevant project information from the service provider (Rhodes University’s Rural Fisheries Programme) and the implementing authority (Northern Cape Department of Agriculture) and will be making a written submission in the near future.
In light of this, SACRAA has taken steps to ensure that we are kept informed about all future proposed fishery programmes. We have sent letters of introduction to National DAFF and all Provincial Departments that are mandated to develop and manage rural freshwater fisheries (SACRAA is already a registered stakeholder with marine fisheries). We have received several positive responses from some of the Provinces but have yet to hear from others.
Despite these efforts we believe we cannot rely entirely on Government departments to let us know every time a new fishery project is considered. SACRAA would therefore like to issue a plea to all anglers to let us know if they hear anything about rural fisheries projects in their area. There is nothing quite like the fisherman’s grapevine and if there are any rumors around I am sure they will spread fast. This appeal is for freshwater and marine anglers alike, as rural fisheries programmes can target inland as well as coastal & estuary waters. SACRAA will investigate all leads passed on to us and if they prove to be fact we can register as a stakeholder on behalf of recreational angling from the very beginning.